Monday, October 27, 2008

Election '08

Okay. For my first real post I'm going to talk about one of the most talked about things these days. The presidential election. I know it's a bit generic and boring but really, what a revolution. Let's start with the beginning. A woman and a black man running for the democratic ticket. I mean either way we're going to end up with something new and unheard of. Barack Obama wins democrat and John McCain wins republican. I am totally 100% for Obama. We need change and that is exactly what he is going to give us. McCain voted with George Bush 90% of the time. Do we want Bush for another 8 years. Now I'm not saying that both candidates wouldn't have their own pros and cons. Of course McCain has more military experience, whereas Obama may be a little less experienced. Obama is absolutely brilliant. But the problem with him is that, he is such a fantastic speaker that those of us who are... less intellegent, think that he should be president because of his 'pretty words'. They don't see what he's saying. All they see is the way he says them. But his great public speaking is most cerainly working in his favor. From what I see now he's in the lead. But we won't know until election day. It could be either one. I hope for my candidate while others may hope for the other. Either way it will be a new experience for everyone.

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